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Bible Lessons



The New Alliance Evangelical Missionary Church was founded in 2004 by Prophet N'gom Francis Clément who is from Côte d'Ivoire (West Africa). He is Aboure from Moossou Bassam) Married to Prophetess N'gom Eugenie and is the father of 5 children. He was trained and prepared for ministry at the Baptist Church Works and Missions of Rev Dion Robert of the London Branch where he served for 5 years, from 1998 to 2003, during this period Jesus Christ revealed to him his call to the ministry of prophet. Later Jesus revealed himself to Prophet N'gom asking him to leave the Baptist Works and Missions Church for another mission that he had planned for him. After submitting the lord's vision to the church council he was released and received the prayer of blessing by the church council to accomplish the will and mission of God. God gave him a spiritual father Pastor Alexander Bukasa of the Assemblies of God who is the Founder of the Armed Churches of the Victorians which is headquartered in Coventry Great Britain. Prophet N'gom Francis Clément He was consecrated as Prophet on October 30, 2004 by Pastor Alexandre Bukasa.


From then on he began his first services in one of the rooms of the Woodford Baptist Church of Pastor Neil Spencer based in London where he remained for 4 years. God confirmed his call as a Prophet by signs and wonders, by healings and miracles. Because of the Grace of God which manifests in the life of Prophet N'gom Francis Clement he is solicited to preach in the Nations to announce the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Today The Mother Church is headquartered in Birmingham which was established on Saturday 20 February 2010 at: 5 temple Street West bromwich B70 9AE. Since then God has extended our limits by the establishment of several branches in Cote D'ivoire in the city of Abidjan, Port Bouet, Marcory, Abobo, Yopougon and inside the Ivory Coast in the city of Agboville.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The New Covenant Evangelical Missionary Church is a multicultural Church whose vision is to bring together all communities. Since the creation of the Church, we have counted within the Church several Nationalities, Ivorian, Congolese, Jamaican, Nigerian, Rwandan, French, Cameroonian. Our Worship is preached in French and Translated into English.

Praying Together



Article 1 - GOD

We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons-the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit-Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible, revealed in Jesus Christ the Son unique, by means of the Scriptures. 1Corinthians 8: 6; Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1: 2; Matthew 28:19; 2Corinthians 13:13.



We believe that the Scriptures, made up of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, are the Word of God; they hold their inspiration and authority from God alone; they are infallible and the only standard for the life and faith of the Church. It follows that neither customs, decrees, visions, miracles, nor any other revelation or tradition can alter or complete the scriptures. All things must be examined, regulated and reformed according to the Scriptures which contain all that is necessary for the salvation and edification of the Church. 2 Timothy 3: 15-17. 2 Peter 1: 20-21. 1 Corinthians 15: 1-2.


Article 3 - THE MAN

We believe that man and woman were created by God in his image and likeness. The human being has fallen into disobedience under the influence of Satan; and all humanity has departed from God and remains under the dominion of sin and condemnation. We believe that the human being is loved by God, and that he is called to change his life and to convert to restore a true and just relationship with God and his neighbor. We believe in the dignity of life and the human body, marriage and family, education and work as proclaimed and protected by God's commandments. Genesis 1:26, 3:17; Romans 5:12; Acts 3:19; Hebrews 13: 4; Ephesians 6: 1-4.


Article 4 - JESUS ​​CHRIST

We believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son, God manifested in the flesh, born of a virgin, Mary of Nazareth, by the power of the Holy Spirit, come from the Father with the divine nature and human nature without sin, crucified death for the fulfillment of the Scriptures and according to the purpose of


Article 5 - God.

We believe in the sacrifice of his perfect life offered once for all on the cross, and through which we have forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God and eternal life. We believe in his resurrection from the dead, his physical ascension to his Father, his supreme authority, and his mediation with the Father in favor of men. We believe that Jesus Christ will appear a second time to bring the Church into his eternal kingdom, to resurrect all men, and to judge the living and the dead, but no one knows the day and time of his coming. Galatians 4: 4. Philipians 2: 6-11. 2 Corinthians 5:19. Romans 8:34; 1Thessalonians 4:16; Matthew 24: 30-36.


Article 5 - SALVATION

We believe that every human being can be forgiven of his sins and thus become righteous before God, by the grace of God we receive by faith alone in Jesus Christ.

We believe that every man justified by faith receives the opportunity to turn away from his sins and to live a holy and pure life through the action of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that dwell in him.

We believe that baptism, ordained by Jesus Christ - meaning, through immersion, death, and resurrection - is the witness of faith, of free commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word, and of the passage of spiritual death to a new life with God. Acts 26:18. Ephesians 2: 8. 1 Peter 1: 15-23; Romans 6: 4; 1 Peter 3: 21.



We believe in the Holy Spirit, the sovereign presence of God who inspired the prophets and apostles of the Bible; he dwells in the believer to reveal to him in Jesus the Father's envoy, the truths of Scripture, and to communicate to him love, wisdom and peace.

We believe that baptism in the Holy Spirit is a promise for Christians of all ages; it is given by the Father and the Son, and it is manifested by speaking in tongues as on the day of Pentecost, according to the New Testament narrative. We believe that baptism in the Holy Spirit is a grace that edifies the Church in her piety, and gives her strength for her mission: to proclaim the Gospel to all nations.

We believe in the spiritual gifts (or charisms) cited in the Scriptures, and that the Holy Spirit bestows on the Church to help and build her piety. We believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit must be exercised in the Church, according to the dignity and order commanded by the New Testament. Baptism in the Holy Spirit and various spiritual gifts leave believers who manifest them as masters and responsible for themselves; and they never grow to extravagances, or to behaviors or teachings contrary to Scripture. John 16: 13-15; Galatians 5:22; Acts 2: 4-8, 38-39; Acts 1: 8; 1Corinthians 14.

Article 7 - THE CHURCH

We believe that the Church is the assembly of believers who keep faith in Jesus Christ, the testimony and teaching of the apostles, as well as prayer.
We believe that the church is built by Jesus Christ, its supreme leader. His servants are charged to teach it, so that it bears witness to faith, hope, and love to the men and women of this world, through the presence of God.
We believe that the local Church is the visible expression of the universal Church which is the body of Christ, and which can not be delimited by the religious denominations of Christendom.

Through her assemblies around the Holy Scriptures, she builds and realizes her unity of faith, her life of piety, and her missionary vocation.

We believe that the supper of the Last Supper, instituted by Jesus Christ, should be perpetuated in the Church until its coming, with bread and wine, in memory of his atoning death, as a sign of communion with Christ. Savior, as a celebration and thanksgiving to the love of God the Father.
We believe that prayer for the healing of the sick is a mission of the Church that is associated with the preaching of the gospel. This prayer may be accompanied by the symbolic gestures of the laying on of hands or the anointing of oil, according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Without opposing it to medicine, and without fanaticism, we believe that prayer for the sick and the afflicted always has its place in the proclamation of the Gospel of the compassionate God. Acts 2: 41,42. Ephesians 4: 11-15. Matthew 26: 26-29. 1 Corinthians 10: 16-17. Mark 16: 15-18. James 5:14.

Article 8 - HOPE

We believe that those who die with faith in Jesus Christ are with the Lord from their death, waiting for the resurrection.

We believe in the resurrection of all humans and the final judgment. Those who believe in Jesus Christ will live forever in the Kingdom of God. Rebels to God will suffer the eternal punishment described in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Luke 23-43. 2 Corinthians 5: 1-10. 1 Corinthians 15: 42-44. Revelation 20:11.

Article 9 - The Marriage

We believe that God created man and woman with the purpose of uniting them to be one flesh for the purpose of procreating and living happily together as husband and wife. We do not believe in remarriage and marriage between two men and two women. Genesis 2: 22-24; Romans 7: 2-3; 1Corinthians 7: 10-11; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1: 24-27; Jude 1: 7.

Article 10 - the life of Sanctification

We believe that God created man to live a life of holiness without which no one will be able to see him. Hebrews 12:14; Revelation 21: 7-8.

Bible Lesson








1) The first point

is in the book of Acts 26-17,18:

It is to announce the good news of Jesus to unbelievers.


2) The second point

is in the book of Mark 16-16:


(It is by which the believer testifies of his faith and his salvation).


3) The third point

is in the book of Matthew 28-19:


To teach every believer to become an active worker in the house of God.


4) The fourth point

can be found in the book of Acts 5-42: Call


Through house churches, God's people grow spiritually through Bible studies and learn to live fellowship.


5) The fifth point

is in the book of Exodus 18-19 - 23: It consists of


to the preparation of the ministers of Jesus Christ to serve in the local and missionary church.


6) The 6th point


to plant churches in all nations through missionaries.

the books of Acts 15-36


7) The 6th point

is in the book of James 2-14 to 17:


Consist has helped Widows and Orphans and the Poor in the distribution of food and clothing according to the means that the Lord gives us.

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